Sunday, March 28, 2010


There is so much to tell you!  So many changes and events have taken place, but I'll try to catch up as best as I can.  I had a revalation today about the future of our nation.  God showed me that in our nation, we are in rush hour and everyone is desperate to get home to the end of their day.  However, there is terrible traffic.  Everyone's vehicle symbolized their current capacity in God to bring others home with them.  Home represented heaven.

There were so many people so frantic to reach the end of the worldly turmoil.  Some people were driving vans - some empty, some filled to capacity.  Others had the new gas efficient vehicles that held a maximum of two people.  (So many people are going to worldly efficiency only to wind up useless for the kingdom.) 

The problem was that God had opened the HOV lane just for the higher occupancy vehicles.  After all, our mission as christians is to win souls for the kingdom.  Everyone was overusing and abusing the lane; therefore, the lane's purpose was completely void.  The Holy Spirit then revealed to me that God is releasing His authority and will begin to fine and reprimand the fakers.  What's sad is that there were so many vehicles that were able to hold countless people, but there were very few vehicles filled to capacity.  For every seat, there is a designated soul; however, most were empty. 

I fill that the regular lanes represented to widened path that leads to destruction although it currently looked as though it were heading in the right direction.  It's funny how just one law to win souls or perhaps to put God on the throne and not ourselves can make the two seperate pathways divide drastically.  The HOV lane represented the narrow path.  I pray we all get a hold of this!

Lastly,  life has been progressing greatly!  God is definately in the midst of our  journey towards full time ministry.  Although, we both still have a great deal of learning and training to attend, God's promotion is already beginning.  Dustin and I both have prayed for people in the last week that were filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues for the first time.  I have been filled with prophetic words, and Dustin literally has the fire of God in his hands! I'm not talking about crazy human filled emotion, I am talking about a real God that is showing up BIG time.  Our finances are beginning to look slightly up.  I am so ready for our future.  I have so many things to be grateful for.  I have reached a new level of personal security that I will continue to climb.  I have relationships that are fruitful. 

I KNOW THAT EVERY OUNCE IS GOD!  I lift him higher above every other name and take no credit for myself! I give Him all the credit!  Our walk and struggles, I'm sure, are far from finished, but I know that we have faced a great deal of obstacles and I am choosing to live through the victory, however big it may be.  By golly, I lived through the struggles so I am definately going to soak up the victory while it lasts! PRAISE GOD.

Oh, I want to say how joyful my heart is at the many people in and around HSM.  I see nothing but uphill climbs and gigantic futures.  I know that I'm smack dab in the middle of history making!  I absolutely love everyone around me.  I am also proud to say that HSM is so on fire for God that fakers quickly get identified and exposed.  I'm so glad that our "God-filters" are ON.

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