Sunday, March 7, 2010

Enough Said...

I have definately been going through a season that feels like I'm being tried and pressed in everything that I do.  I know it is a season to be taught, because everything in my life is great.  I have a great marriage and a job that I LOVE.  We have been tested in so many ways, that sometimes I just feel like I have nothing to offer because my sight to God is blinded by all of these minute problems. 

I read Genesis 33, and it inspired me!  It says, "Take, I pray thee, my gift that is brought to thee; because God hath dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough. And he urged him, and he took it."  I know this particular verse doesn't have much to do with my current season, but it makes me understand that God's favor is NOT dependant on my excess, but rather on the favor that I have in His sight.  So many times I have been guilty of thinking that blessing people will come when I experience excess.  God is showed me here that we ought to give when we are in ENOUGH not EXCESS.  Why?  Because He has dealt gracisously with us!  In Hebrew, enough meant ALL and gracisously meant FAVOR.  Therefore, because God favors me, I will bless others because I have all!

Thank You, Jesus, for this revelation of what giving means.  I have always been a giver, but this redefines what it means to me.  Lately, I have realized what a lonely place giving can be.  A true giver has no true return except that which is stored in heaven.  I am so glad that I am storing up my treasures in heaven.  Why or why do I get discouraged at not seeing rewards here on earth.  I want them in shame on me for not knowing that!

Although I am still feeling such a pressing, I am choosing to be as imPRESSionable as possible, lest this season be wasted.  If I'm here, I WILL come out knowing something I never have in a real and unmistakable way.  No matter the weapon, I will overcome it.  The following story and song is my current battle cry!..

Desert Song

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