Monday, January 11, 2010

"I'll Pray for You"

I was wanting to blog, but I didn't really feel like I had anything urgent to say as I usually do when I blog.  When I normally blog, I feel like it is going to burst out of my physical body if I do not write it somehow.  I do have a feeling of urgency on a smaller scale for today.  I do want you you to realize that I'm speaking to myself as well.  I hope that I never come across "preachy" as I am such a work in progress myself.

What I am feeling today is that so many times I feel the need to encourage someone in need by saying, "I will pray for you."  I was struck by the importance of following up on this lest my God be shown absent in their need.  I've caught myself several times saying that little phrase without understanding the weight of responsibility behind it.  I have gotten to the point that it would be better to not say it than to say it and just say a get me by prayer to check them off the list.  If I tell someone that I am going to petition God on their behalf, by golly, that's what I'm going to do from now on.  How terrible it would be for someone's faith to be decreased by a lack of God's movement because you forgot to go to God with it. You may be the only one praying about it. Afterall, our prayers are the traintrack for God to move.  Our prayers are our recognition that there is unfinished business.

Lastly,  I was reading the good ole verse that says, "Trust in the Lord in all your ways and lean not on your own understanding, and He will make your paths straight."  I've been thinking about all of the times that I have felt confused and doubtful.  I realize that in those times, my trust in God has not been manifest in my physical body.  It's one thing to say it, but it is another thing to activate your trust in order for it to manifest in your life.  I claim to the promise now that my path WILL be straight as my trust is activated through faith.  If my next step is not straight in front of me, let it be a reminder to me that my trust needs a tune-up.  God give us all the wisdom on how to activate our trust through faith.  I have so many times caught myself believing that all the promises in the bible were impossible to take hold of.  I now know that I must activate my faith before I can ever look for the return on God's promise.  Being saved is always first priority, but gaining God's best for you is so much more than being saved!  I dare you to explore it as I dare myself to find my shortcomings instead of what Satan wants me to believe are God's.

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