Friday, May 17, 2013

Do What You May, The Lord has the Answer.

I don't know about you, but there are several things that I have been asking of God.  Not too long ago, I began praying for manna.  Manna that is what I need daily and often what I know not of in the moment I ask.  There are a couple other things, though, that I consistently bring to him.  Partly to bring my heart's desires to Him, but also to bring forth important life issues to God to keep myself in check and attain God's perspective on the topic.

I believe, really believe, that God wants the VERY BEST for me.  It is easy to say, but it really packs a punch in making it a part of my reality.  Trusting God with everything that I have is something that has really transformed my life.  I find myself in a greater depth of contentment and thankfulness.   I'm so thankful for food, hot water, air conditioning, reliable vehicles, family...the list could go on and on.

I'm constantly reminded of God's faithfulness as I examine my sweet four month old, Rebekah Nell.  She is fed the best food on the planet for her; yet, I never even leave the house or pay to attain it.  She is never in lack.  When I find myself doubting God's provision or timing, I'm reminded of this simple miracle that really puts it into perspective.

Just as God fed Elisha with the ravens, he will do the same for me.  Just as God provides food for the birds, He will for me.  I find so much comfort in resting in God's provision rather than in my own or my husband's ability to provide.  I also believe that as God's children, we aren't just to believe for our next meal.  Ephesians 3:20 says that God will do "EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE all that we ask or think."  Wow, I'd say that pretty much covers it.  Whatever I ask and whatever I think.... I pause just to let that sink in once again.  I don't know about you, but I want to really receive that Word and claim it.

Why?  Why would He do this?  What makes this God's agenda?....  "to Him be glory by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever."   Our life is made great because it brings Him pleasure (glory).  This is another topic that is hard for me to grasp...How such a magnificent God takes such pleasure in me. One word, overwhelming!

I know that God spoke to me as I was praying about the issues mentioned earlier.  I heard Him so clearly tell me, "In Due Time."  If you are somewhere around the place I am in asking God for your manna, this may be a word for you as well.  Knowing that whenever (not if) God does provide, it is His timing!  The assurance of that will give me patience in waiting but also faith in the now.  His spoken word literally formed the worlds.  Let us all ask Him to speak on our behalf specifically.  Proverbs 21:31 reinforces this principle. It says, "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord."  Due what we may, God has the answer.

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