Lately, I have been thinking a great deal about love. I think to myself, "How could God love me the way he does.....How can I love the way he does?.....How do I open myself up to receive the depth of His love, and how can I inspire others to do the same?" Unfortunately, I have found that in today's world people can't recognize and accept this kind of love. It often is perceived as fake or sometimes even offensive.
I've found that in many cases, people are offended by love because they are just sooo darn scared of it. So many people have so many covered wounds that when they begin to sense love, they turn away in the name of another issue that they then can use as an excuse to get away from you. So many people have become okay with just covering up wounds instead of surrendering to the process that will actually heal them. Many times, healing of those wounds comes from fellowship with other believers and through confession and a realization of our own part in the creation of the wound. Now that we live in such a "please me" world, it's become okay even in the church to avoid any such submission; therefore, we all have forsaken the love that was made available through the cross.
I've asked God many times in the past week, "God, how do I love someone when I don't see things the way they do or when I know they know they are in complete wrongness? Where do I draw the line between love and mercy and standing up for righteousness." I then led myself to evaluate what God has done for me as I know there have been many times when I have disappointed Him. All I can say, is that I at all times know where He stands. I'm the one that chooses to step forwards or backwards. So, my conclusion is that with all the people in my life, no matter how deep of wounds I may have towards them and no matter how disappointed I sometimes am, I will strive to show love by standing firm where I am. I will strive to be as God - always there and a fountain of endless love that is never lessened or even increased....just always the same. I hope to be as consistant in other's lives as God has been in my own. No matter what choices are made by the people around me, I will stand where I have always stood. I won't walk away anymore.....I won't shake my head in disapproval....I won't stand be there pointing the finger saying, "what goes around comes around."
God, I pray your wisdom would envelope me into a similance of what You have done for me. I also pray that you would make us all volnerable again so that we could step out of whatever we have built around our hearts as protection, and again become recipients of You (LOVE).
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